Friday, January 18, 2013

Fun Fact Friday: Lefty Babies

I am designating Friday trivia day.  I thought it might be a fun way to welcome the weekend.  I’ll try to post interesting facts, even though some may already know them.

Babies can show favoritism toward their dominant hands before they can even hold anything.  If you place them on their stomachs, right-handers will always turn their heads to the right.  But left-handers will either turn their heads to the left or show no preference.

I think the only sure way to tell which hand is the dominant one is by waiting until they are old enough to hold things.  But this is still a cool observation and is more than likely true most of the time. 


  1. Perhaps ones that "show no preference" could be ambidextrous.

  2. I want to lay a baby on its stomach now! I wonder if this works or not.

  3. Interesting. I've always found the whole dominant hand thing very fascinating.
