Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spanish ABCs

Lefties are less able to roll their tongues.  This fact was found under the Bizarre Lefty Tidbits section of the “25 Amazing Facts About Left Handed People” on  I think this one may be true.

I took 5 years of Spanish in junior high and high school.  I couldn’t roll my “Rs” and that’s a problem when speaking Spanish.

In Spanish there is a double-R letter in the alphabet (Rr).  You are supposed to roll your tongue when saying words with the double-R in them.  However, I could not and I think at some point my teachers just gave up on me ever having a perfect pronunciation.

Another Spanish alphabet fun fact, there are no “Ks” or “Ws” in Spanish words even though they are in the alphabet.  They are only used in spanish words that are translated from other languages.    

That being said, my last name must not have a true Spanish translation.  Does anyone know if there is one?   

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